Your farm holiday

A colourful holiday on the farm in Radstadt in Salzburger Land

A farm holiday means relaxation surrounded by nature. That's exactly what you'll find here at the Hubergut in Radstadt. Savour the countryside and lavish your children with unforgettable days: the rabbits and cats look forward to new playmates, a large playground with trampoline is just waiting to be discovered by your kids and when the cows are in the barn, there's always plenty to see. The barn animals spend the summer up on the Hintergnadenalm, which not only provides the animals with  alpine grass, but entices our guests on lovely hikes. Peek over our shoulder as we work in the barn and fields and discover what priceless experiences life in harmony with nature provides.

Organic farm produce 

Hofeigene Bio-Produkte am Hubergut in Radstadt

We're grateful for the foodstuffs that nature and our animals provide. We carefully prepare tasty produce and guarantee that only the best ingredients are used. Our organic produce include butter, bacon, sausage meat, schnapps, eggs...